BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.


Corporate Giving & Sponsorship

Since 1980, PCCY has taken a stand on behalf of our region’s children by using one hand to protect our children and using the other to apply pressure on lawmakers. As an independent, non-partisan organization we do not receive any government money. To continue our work to provide better lives and life chances for our region’s children, we depend on donations from foundations, corporations and individuals to meet our budget each year.  To learn more information on corporate sponsorship, please contact our Administrative Director, Steven Fynes at 斯蒂芬夫在pccy dot org or call 215-563-5848 x11


Corporate Sponsorship of the annual Celebration of the Public Citizen for Children and Youth

PCCY’s annual celebration recognizes and individual and/or a company that has demonstrated their ability and dedication to helping to improve the lives and life chances of children and youth in our region. On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, we will honor Dan Hilferty, President and CEO of Independence Blue Cross for helping to improve the health and well-being of children in Pennsylvania.  Click here for more details about the 2020 Celebration. 点击这里 to see our corporate sponsorship opportunities for this event.  For questions and more information, contact our Administrative Director, Steven Fynes at 斯蒂芬夫在pccy dot org or 215-563-5848 x11.



宾夕法尼亚州向向认可的教育改进组织捐款的企业提供教育改进税收抵免(EITC)。根据EITC,向合格的非营利组织捐款的企业可以获得75到90%的抵免额,以抵销州的税收负债。 PCCY已获得国家批准,可为其获得EITC资金 毕加索计划这项创新的艺术教育计划,旨在为因预算削减而削减了艺术和音乐课程的费城公立学校中处于危险中的学生。 2014年,通过毕加索计划(Picasso Project),有3500名学生在14所特许学校和传统公立学校就读,从事艺术,音乐,舞蹈和戏剧。在EITC的资助下,PCCY的目标是使毕加索计划的学校和学生人数至少增加一倍。有关EITC的更多信息,请与PCCY的开发总监Molly Dougherty联系,网址为: mollyd at pccy dot org.