BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.


If you are considering a new car purchase or are just ready to get rid of your old car – have we got a great opportunity for you to take away the hassle of trading it in or selling it yourself and supporting Children First at the same time! Donate your vehicle to the Children First’s Vehicle Donation Program.






  • What are the benefits of donating my car to Children First?  Children First benefits by receiving a cash donation to fund new and existing programs and increase community awareness through local events. You benefit by being able to reduce your taxable income when taxes are itemized. Plus you avoid the costs associated with selling your car. No need to pay for advertising, no loss of privacy and possible security risk, and no need to pay for vehicle registration, insurance, and repairs to keep your car in running condition while you wait for a buyer.
  • 我的汽车必须运行才能捐赠吗?  在某些情况下,我们可以带您开车,也可以不开车。但是,它必须具有引擎并且可以拖曳。致电1-877-537-5277,以了解您的车辆是否符合接送条件。
  • 您只接受汽车捐赠吗?  Many types of motor vehicles are accepted including boats, motorcycles, trucks, and cars. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your vehicle is eligible, please contact Children First at 1-877-537-5277
  • 提车需要多长时间?  我们使捐赠您的汽车尽可能简单方便。拖车公司将在两到三个工作日内与您联系。致电1-877-537-5277。
  • 上车时我必须和车辆在一起吗?  不能。可以通过致电1-877-537-5277进行特殊安排。
  • 我需要什么文书?  唯一需要的文件是签名清晰的标题(仅在加利福尼亚州称为“粉红色纸条”)。召集捐款时,请携带标题。 [请注意:标题清晰无误,标题是在捐助方名义下,没有留置权]。
  • 我需要烟雾证书才能捐赠我的车吗?  在需要烟雾证书或安全检查的州,您可以在没有这些文件的情况下捐赠车辆。
  • 如果我收到法律通知该怎么办?  在极少数情况下,如果您收到有关捐赠车辆的留置权销售,DMV行动或其他活动的任何通知,请立即致电1-877-537-5277以寻求帮助。
  • 新法律如何影响我的税收减免?  捐赠者不再负责确定捐赠的可抵扣金额。相反,如果销售收益超过$500,他们将收到IRS表格1098-C“机动车辆,船只和飞机的捐助”,其中说明了捐赠车辆销售的收益总额。 IRS表格1098-C“机动车辆,船只和飞机的捐款”中列出的金额将为可抵扣捐款的总收入。
  • 我的捐赠会收到税收收据吗?  是的,我们的司机将在接送时出具收据。除非您的车辆销量不超过$500,否则这不是您的最终收据。最初的确认将显示您的姓名以及您捐赠的汽车的年份,品牌,型号和状况。如果您的车辆售价低于$500,这将是您的唯一收据。
  • 我可以要求扣除什么?  根据2005年1月1日生效的税法,如果捐赠车辆的要求价值超过$500,则纳税人仅限于销售总收益。 IRS表格1098-C“机动车辆,船只和飞机的供款”将在出售后的30天内邮寄给您,说明您的汽车所获得的总收益金额,但前提是您的车辆的售价超过$500,并且您提交了您的社会保险号。这将是您的慈善捐款的收据。
  • 如何确定所捐赠车辆的价值?  价值由出售捐赠车辆所筹集的总收益确定。您不再需要自己确定价值的负担。
  • Does the new law affect Children First?  Children First has additional paperwork in reporting the gross proceeds raised from the sale of the vehicle to the donor and IRS. The process of obtaining the cash donation from the vehicle remains the same.
  • 如果我的汽车价值超过$5,000怎么办?  从2005年1月1日开始,不再需要对车辆进行鉴定。您可能要求的价值将是从您的车辆帐户收到的总收益金额。