Tips To Help When Applying For CHIP or Medicaid – Philadelphia Inquirer – July 7, 2013

Richard Weishaupt, senior attorney of health at Community Legal Services, gave these tips on applying for Medicaid or CHIP:

Gather all the documents you might need. For kids, take birth certificates and Social Security cards, if applicable. For adults, take several months of records if you have an income. Also take proof that you’re a citizen – a birth certificate, passport, or green card – and a form of government ID.

Always get the name and direct line of anyone you talk to by phone. And ask them, “Who’s your supervisor or alternate in case I have a problem getting back to you?”, and keep a log.

Philadelphia’s call center is 215-560-7226 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday).

Public Citizens for Children and Youth is helpful for kids. The Pennsylvania Health Law Project serves people outside the city as well. Many community groups can help, too, from SEAMAAC, the Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition, to Congreso, which serves a largely Latino population.

Philadelphia Inquirer – July 7, 2013 – 在线阅读文章