Swenson Students Shine Lights on Literature


Students Create Lamps Inspired by American Literature, Now on Display in Center City

(PHILADELPHIA)2013年6月21日 – On Wednesday, June 19, students from Swenson Arts and Technology High School shined a light on literature in Center City Philadelphia. Through a grant of $3,767 from PCCY’s Picasso Project, students created “Literature Lamps”- marketable, functional lamps with designs inspired by classic American literature. The students brought their projects to the Brandywine Workshop, a venerated printmaking and visual arts organization. In constructing the lamps, the students combined English, Spanish, welding, and electrical instruction. They were assisted by graphic artist Gustavo Garcia, former intern at Brandywine Workshop, and informed by visits to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

Students who created the lamps attended the opening with Garcia and Rainiel Guzman, the teacher project leader. They discussed the project’s significance to them, as well as the value of arts and creative projects to their educational experience. Guzman expressed his dedication to ensuring quality, well-rounded education for his students. “All students should have the chance to learn in engaging ways like this. This is how education should be” Guzman said about the lamp design and construction project. Bill Rapone, a representative from Councilman Brian O’Neill’s office, also attended in support of the students’ projects.

A display featuring the students’ projects is now open to public at Brandywine Workshop, at 728 S. Broad Street. Hours are from 10 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Sunday. The lamps will be on display until mid-July.

For additional comment or to set up an interview, please contact Anthony Hopkins, Communications Director, at 215-563-5848 ext. 23 or 484-433-7490.

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成立于1980年的儿童与青少年公共公民协会(PCCY,www.childrenfirstpa.org)致力于改善特拉华谷儿童的生活和生活机会。 PCCY通过深思熟虑的倡导,社区教育,针对性的服务项目以及预算和政策分析,力求为该地区的儿童提供保障和大声疾呼。 PCCY是一个独立的非营利组织。