Public policies should do no harm. This one fails–November 8, 2019


Policy Should Never Put a Child’s Health at Risk

The Trump administration has proposed restricting broad-based categorical eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), that could mean catastrophic outcomes for an estimated 2 million people in families with children.

This week, we shine a spotlight on an article you might have missed, penned by Senior VP, Program at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Donald Schwarz, former Philadelphia Deputy Mayor and past PCCY board president. He was also a panelist at our recent Broke to Thriving event at the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The following is a very abridged version of the original article. Click HERE for the original piece in its full form.

When I was a full-time pediatrician, I worked at a practice in the City of Philadelphia whose primary patients were teenage mothers and their children. Most of their parents were low-income with little to no outside support. Their lives were hard. Very hard. Many of the parents (grandparents to the newborns) were forced to choose between paying rent some weeks and having enough food to feed their children and grandchildren. 

I remember in particular one mother and her infant son who came to see me after he was born. She was scared because the baby was having trouble gaining weight, due in large part to the family not being able to afford much food. His grandmother was worried; given all the research showing how critical nutrition is to developing brains, I was concerned as well. Fortunately, the practice I worked in was a collaborative one, meaning that not only did we doctors work side-by-side with nurse practitioners, but also closely with social workers. And one of our social workers immediately went to work to get this family, in which the grandmother—who was the head of the household—worked full-time, enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

These are the types of situations and circumstances where SNAP is an absolutely essential lifeline. SNAP is the largest nutrition assistance program in the United States, helping to feed some 36 million people each month. SNAP provides temporary but critical support to help people who are struggling to gain access to nutritious, affordable food; nearly two-thirds of SNAP participants are children, older adults, and people with disabilities. It has a proven track record of helping families avoid poverty and hunger during difficult times, such as after losing a job or suffering a major injury or illness, while helping families achieve self-sufficiency and reducing health disparities.

There are millions of families who depend every day on the support SNAP provides. Yet, inexplicably, a proposed new rule could take that support away. The effects of this rule would be completely devastating to families across the country.

In fact, some of the most significant anticipated consequences of this rule come straight  from USDA’s own regulatory impact analysis, which predicts potential increases in poverty and food insecurity; billions of dollars in increased administrative costs for both the federal and state governments to administer the program; and millions of dollars in increased administrative costs for current and new SNAP applicants.

Data released this month from the U.S. Census Bureau confirms just how effective SNAP is at turning participants’ lives around. SNAP cut the U.S. poverty rate from 14.3 percent to 13.2 percent between 2016 and 2018, lifting 3.1 million people out of poverty in 2018 alone. 

Yet the department’s own conclusions show that this rule is fundamentally at odds with the mission and purpose of SNAP. Rather than providing people with access to nutritious food, this rule would take it away. Rather than making it easier for people to sign up and enroll, this rule would make it far more complicated. Rather than making it simpler for federal and state agencies to administer the program, this rule would make it more difficult. 

I remember vividly the faces and stories of my patients. And since the day this rule was introduced, I have often thought of that young mother and her baby son, struggling mightily to get enough food to eat and make ends meet, until they were finally saved by a social worker with compassion and a state policy with heart.  

The first rule of being a doctor is to do no harm. The same principle should apply to public policy, yet this proposal clearly fails that test.



Over 50K children eligible for subsidized care go unserved due to underfunding.

Add your name to this petition and tell Gov. Wolf know that you support bold public investments in the upcoming 2020/2021 budget!



Income inequality in the U.S. is so great that those in the bottom 20% of incomes have their own inflation rate. With that higher cost of living, Columbia University reports that there are 3 million more people in poverty than the census indicates.




Don’t miss your chance to catch a free screening of the Emmy-nominated film PERSONAL STATEMENT about three inspirational seniors who took it upon themselves to serve as college counselors to get their entire classes to college.


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At the southern border, under a “state-created danger”, a judge orders the federal government to provide migrants with mental health services for severe trauma inflicted by family separations.
