A Step In Right Direction: PCCY Responds To Philadelphia’s Plan To Fight Poverty


(PHILADELPHIA) July 11th, 2013 – Today the City of Philadelphia announced a comprehensive plan to fight poverty among city residents. The plan calls on city agencies, organizations and community groups to work together to achieve five goals. Among them is ensuring that children enter school prepared to learn and expand opportunities for year-round learning. The plan calls for wider availability to quality childcare and public preschool programs.

Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY) supports this plan and sees it as a step in the right direction to helping Philadelphia Families. “For families in poverty this announcement is good news” said Executive Director Donna Cooper, “Delivering on this plan can significantly improve the lives of our city’s poorest children.”

According to City statistics, 28% of Philadelphians live in poverty. What’s more shocking, U.S. Census figures show 39% of Children in Philadelphia live at or below the poverty line. PCCY believes this could reverse a trend of poverty in the city and get Philadelphia on the right track. Cooper remarked “What’s important to understand is that the benefits of the plan’s success will accrue to the lives and every Philadelphian and our businesses and institutions.”

The city says persistent poverty is one of the biggest threats to Philadelphia’s future. Cooper agrees, saying “We must all do our part to ensure the plan is successfully implemented. It’s vital to our city’s future.”

For additional comment or to set up interviews, please contact Anthony Hopkins, Communications Director at 215-563-5848 ext. 23 or 484-433-7490(c).

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成立于1980年的儿童与青少年公共公民协会(PCCY,www.childrenfirstpa.org)致力于改善特拉华谷儿童的生活和生活机会。 PCCY通过深思熟虑的倡导,社区教育,针对性的服务项目以及预算和政策分析,力求为该地区的儿童提供保障和大声疾呼。 PCCY是一个独立的非营利组织。