BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

What we wish for kids in 2025 – Dec 27, 2024


Each new year brings new possibilities and many of us use this time to commit to making positive changes in our lives. Children First is also committed to making changes (in public policy) in 2025 to improve the lives of Pennsylvania’s children and teens.
We recommit to changes in policies and practices that will:

Deliver coverage to the 147,000 PA kids that don’t have health insurance. Insuring every child means making routine care possible, and sparing children from the pain and consequences of untreated physical or mental health problems.

Improve education for every PA student but especially those chronically (and unconstitutionally) underfunded schools that serve most of the state’s Black, brown, and low-income students. Calling on lawmakers to “fill it in four,” we will push for the $4 billion gap in adequacy funding to happen before 2029.

Pass paid family and medical leave for the 3.5 million PA workers who are forced to choose between their families or their financial stability. Parents deserve access to paid leave so they can care for a newborn baby or a child with a chronic condition, which the majority of PA voters support.

Enact reforms that will help children and teens learn from their mistakes
, not locK them up in institutions. Restorative justice programs keep young people in their community so they have the support and opportunity to make amends, and protect them from the all-too-common physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse that occurs in institutions.

Expand the access to a range mental health supports for children and parents. PA families deserve a health care system that meets them where they are, provides them with accessible support, and puts prevention at the forefront.

Engage more parents in our advocacy work
. Parents are the authority on what their children need to succeed, and lawmakers need to hear from parents directly so public policy delivers solutions that address real-life barriers to success.

Open more high-quality and affordable child care and pre-k classrooms so parents can return to work knowing their children are well cared for. This means $284 million in state funds to hire and retain early childhood educators who are leaving the sector in droves because of the low wages that don’t meet the cost of living.

This work couldn’t be possible without supporters like you who share our resolve to improve children’s lives.Please make a donation today so, together, we can deliver on our resolutions to PA’s kids.

From everyone at Children First, we wish you a new year filled with all the things we want for kids – happiness, health, success, and the chance to be your best self. Happy New Year!

How did the historic increase in school funds make a difference for students in your community? The PA Schools Work campaign wants to know so we can carry on the fight to fill the remaining $4 billion education funding shortfall. 

U.S. immigration authorities plan to, once again, put families with children in detention centers when President-elect Donald Trump returns to office next month.

Thanks to you, Children First delivers advocacy campaigns that work.

Check out this year’s wins for kids in our latest Annual Report

Recognizing the importance of a
healthy breakfast, Pennridge

School District secured funding
对于 free breakfasts for more than
500 middle school students