DelCo Rising:赢得教育

  • 此活动已过期。
601 N. Lansdowne Avenue
Drexel Hill, 功放 19026 美国

Delaware County students and taxpayers have sacrificed enough. The state is not paying its fair share.  Rising property taxes and school budget cuts are not acceptable–help us change that.

Join your neighbors for a community workshop: Delco Rising:  Winning for Education

  • Learn about Pre-K for PA and the Statewide Campaign for Fair Education Funding and how they can  help your community
  • Practice winning strategies to advocate for your community
  • Create an advocacy plan that works for you—whether you have 5 minutes or 5 days per month

This non-partisan event is free and open to the public.

点击这里 to download a PDF flyer to share.


