Wills Eye Hosts Give Kids Sight Day (Video) – KYW – October 30, 2010

Some children got free eye exams and free glasses at Wills Eye Institute. Mike Pond with Wills Eye says it’s important that kids can see, especially when they’re going to school:

“It’s the most important thing to be able to see the board, see your books, and we find that kids can fall behind if they aren’t able to see what their teachers are teaching them and it gives them the confidence to see what they’re learning every day.”

This parent had her kids checked out:

(Kuznits:) “And how did they do?”

“They did well! Three passed, and one needs glasses.”

(Kuznits:) “Did you know she needed glasses?”

“She does wear glasses but it was time for her to get a check up so it was a good thing to do.”

The eyes of about 2,000 children were checked out at Give Kids Sight Day:

“We find that the citizens of Philadelphia and the children especially have gone without eye care and we want to make sure that kids are taken care of, their eyesight is maintained and that they have proper eye health.”

Reported By Hadas Kuznits, KYW Newsradio 1060, Anne-Marie Green CBS3 – October 30, 2010 – Read article online…