Các công tố viên hàng đầu Kêu gọi Chi tiêu Nhà nước Có trách nhiệm hơn - Ngày 1 tháng 5 năm 2015

Invest in Pre-K Now, or Pay Later

Area District Attorneys support Pre-K for PA. From left to right: D.A. R. Seth Williams, D.A. Jack Whelan, D.A. Risa Vetri Ferman, and D.A. Tom Hogan

Area District Attorneys made the case for pre-k clear: “pay for it now, or we’re the people you pay later.”  D.A.’s from Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, applauded and echoed a new report released by “Fight Crime: Invest in Kids” that shows Governor Wolf’s proposed $120 million increase in funding for pre-k could increase high school graduation rates, reduce the number of people in Pennsylvania who are incarcerated, and lead to $350 million annually in corrections and other cost savings to society over the lifetimes of the children served.

The Governor’s proposed increase, which has the support of many members of the State legislature, represents a solid down payment that could grow the number of children enrolled in publicly supported high-quality early learning programs by 35%, according to PCCY analysis.

Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan offers a stark assessment that if money is not spent on educating children at an early age, “they’ll have to deal with me as a prosecutor later. When they’ve taken the wrong steps in life, when they haven’t had the right support and they’re in the criminal justice system, and that’s too late.”

As budget negotiations heat up, more State Legislators will need to speak up and demand the funds to enable more children to access the benefits of early education, including 65,000 children in Southeastern Pennsylvania who currently do not have access to high-quality pre-k.  Bấm vào đây to send a letter to your local State Legislator.

Join PCCY and the Pre-K for PA Campaign in Harrisburg throughout the month of May.  Click on the dates below for more information and to sign up.

May 4th: Pre-K for PA Capitol Caravan

May 12th: Early Childhood Action Day

Will More Money Mean Better Schools in Philadelphia?

The Philadelphia School District could hire up to 1,200 more teachers, nurses, counselors, librarians, and support staff if it receives $264 million in new recurring revenue proposed by Governor Wolf and Mayor Nutter.

The District’s recently released FY16 Budget shows new funding would allow the District to close an $84 million deficit and invest the remaining $180 million to improve schools.

Here’s how the District plans to use the additional funding:

Source: School District of Philadelphia FY ‘16 Budget in Brief

The District plans to invest 73% ($132 million) of the new funding directly in schools that could be used for the purchase of supplies, teaching materials, technology and hire 1,200 additional staff.  The vast majority of schools will receive $250,000-$750,000 in new recurring funding.

Source: School District of Philadelphia FY ‘16 Budget in Brief

The District’s budget looks good on paper, but it’s up to the State Legislature and City Council to provide the funding to make it a reality.  PCCY is planning action days in the Capitol and at City Hall to call on our elected leaders to provide fair and adequate funding for schools.  To get involved, please email Shanee Garner at shaneeg@childrenfirstpa.org.

You Make a Huge Difference in the Lives of Children

Thank you to the more than 300 partiers who made the 2015 Celebration of the Public Citizen for Children and Youth a spirited success.  Thanks to the generous outpouring of support, we raised $200,000!  These funds will make it possible for PCCY to continue to publish research, mobilize citizens and provide the direct service that improves the lives and life chances of children across the region.

Greg Redden received our esteemed 2015 Public Citizen of the Year.  Greg was our awardee because he has used the infrastructure of his company, Wells Fargo, to increase by tens of thousands, the number of children who are strong readers by supporting the Philadelphia READ! By 4th Campaign.

We are also thankful for the tireless efforts of our 2015 Citizen Advocates for dedicating their time and energy on behalf of PCCY.  Thank you Rafi Cave, Shirlee Howe, Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo, Pat Miiller, and Dolores Vera!



You can still donate to support our work!  Bấm vào đây.