TESTIMONY: Philadelphia Board of Education on Reopening Schools – Jul 23, 2020

Testimony Presented to the School District of Philadelphia Board of Education
July 23, 2020
Tomea Sippio-Smith, K-12 Policy Director
Công dân cho trẻ em và thanh thiếu niên

Good evening,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present this testimony.

I commend Dr. Hite and the School Board for completing the school district’s reopening plan.

However, in the face of enormous uncertainties about the school year ahead, as a child advocacy organization, we want students and teachers to return to a high-quality learning day – that is accessible to all students yet prioritizes their health and safety.

Here are 3 key ideas to ensure a successful transition back-to-school.

First, our teachers must be prepared to teach all students when school starts.

We urge you to make the mental shift that schools will not likely be safe to return to in September. Students will be learning at home for much or all of the time.

Although many teachers have adapted to online instruction, they have not had enough training to ensure that they can actively and engagingly teach their students remotely. Starting now, teachers should be receiving comprehensive and robust professional development to ensure that they have the skill set to use online learning platforms, help students and their parents navigate lessons, virtually teach in real time and prepare lessons for students to watch later.  They should also receive training on how to better assist our most vulnerable students – those with disabilities and English Language learners -and their parents. Moreover, teachers need ongoing training to keep their skills fresh and our students learning all year long.  School districts, like Broward County, Florida – the 6thứ tự largest school district in the country is already doing just this as they prepare to welcome students to virtual school this fall.

Second, our students, teachers and families’ health and safety can not be compromised. Students should not go to school buildings unless science says it is safe to do so, everyone has on-site temperature checks before entering buildings, there is sufficient space to maintain social distancing, there are enough staff and products to rigorously clean and sanitize classrooms, all students and staff have access to handwashing and sanitizing stations, and students only participate in non-contact sports.  I have submitted our full list of recommendations to ensure the health and safety of students and staff from PCCY and our Fund Our Facilities partners for your consideration.

Finally, I’m calling on testifiers, citizens of the city, and other community members to join PCCY in demanding more money for schools from the federal government. We are repulsed that the federal government is threatening to withhold funds from schools that aren’t ready or equipped to physically open in the fall.  Moreover, school districts like Philadelphia simply do not have enough staff to comply with current safe distancing requirements. It is a disgrace to keep desperately needed funds from school districts when they are needed to train teachers, get students online, keep them learning, implement the necessary protocols in buildings and classrooms to keep students and staff safe.

We must all do our part by contacting our federal law makers and demanding  that federal dollars get distributed to public schools whether they are operating virtually, using a hybrid model or in person.

Yes, the road ahead is difficult. But, it is not impossible. With teacher and staff training, common sense solutions to protect the health and safety of our school communities and adequate funds to properly implement them, Philly – together, we can do this!