I am part of the Pre-K majority–June 8, 2018


I am part of the Pre-K majority

A recent poll confirms what we’ve been hearing across the commonwealth: Thanks to your hard work over the past few years, Pennsylvanians are in lockstep when it comes to support for pre-K!

Support for pre-K has swelled to near consensus, as 94% of likely voters now think that early education is important.

Harrisburg-based Harper Polling conducted a poll on May 22-23, which indicates that three-quarters (75%) of likely voters support increasing funding to expand access to high-quality programs, and that support cuts across age, party, geographic and socioeconomic lines.

Every single voting demographic in the state favors expanded access to pre-K by at least a two-to-one margin.

“Candidates can win the support of voters of every stripe by leading with a strong commitment to increasing public funding so that every 3 and 4 year-old child in our state gets the strong start in life that pre-K offers,” said Brian Rankin, PCCY’s Board Chair, at a press conference announcing the poll’s dramatic findings.

And it doesn’t end there.

It turns out that Pennsylvanians value pre-K education for its proven benefits to the child and the commonwealth, and they’re willing to dig a little deeper to support it. In fact, two-thirds of likely Pennsylvania voters polled said they would support a tax increase to expand pre-K access.

The poll results speak for themselves. Now, it’s up to us to ensure our legislators are listening. We told you last week that our team in Harrisburg has heard that the $40 million proposed for new pre-K funding is on the negotiating table and it’s getting cut!

PLEASE, pick up the phone hoặc là send a quick email to tell your legislators, “I am part of the pre-K majority!”

It’s time for all PA children to have access to high-quality pre-K. No child should be missing out when nearly all PA residents agree.


Tell your legislators, “I am part of the pre-K majority!” It’s time for all PA children to have access to high-quality pre-K. No child should be missing out when nearly all PA residents agree.



“That is not part of the commission’s charge, per se.” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, confirming that President Trump’s school safety commission, launched as a response to the Parkland shootings, will not consider the role guns play in gun violence.   





“Murals like this remind us of who we are as a city and who we hope to be. They let our neighbors -many of whom might be the targets of anti-immigrant attacks- know that we stand by them.” Symbol Lai, Office of Immigrant Affairs, at Kirkbride school’s mural dedication, funded by PCCY’s Picasso Project.


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“We find ourselves in the same situation we have the last five years. Before the ink is dry on this current year’s budget, districts are already at a loss for revenue.” Mark DiRocco, Pennsylvania Association of School Administration, on how new funding doesn’t keep pace with rising fixed costs.