Number Of County Children In Poverty Spikes, Report Finds – Daily Local Times – December 2, 2013

Childhood poverty in Chester County has dramatically increased from 2008 to 2012, according to a new report released by the Công dân cho trẻ em và thanh thiếu niên.

The report, which was released on Monday, says that child poverty has increased in the county by 55 percent since the start of the recession, the highest in the region.

According to PCCY, Bucks County had an 18 percent increase in the number of children living in poverty from 2008 to 2012, while Delaware County saw an increase of 30 percent.

“Child poverty rose more dramatically in Chester County than anywhere else in southeastern Pennsylvania,” said Kathy Fisher, family economic security director for PCCY. “With a rapidly changing economic landscape, elected leaders, schools and parents need to do everything they can to make sure their children are fed.”

“The Bottom Line is Children: Economic and Food Security in Chester County” looks at issues such as children living below the poverty line, the number of children receiving food stamps and students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

According to the report, Chester County is home to 120,634 children, with more than 10,250 of those children living in poverty. Of the children living in poverty, nearly half live in “deep poverty” which is about $11,775 annually for a family of four.

Additionally, the county saw a 27 percent increase in the number of students eligible for the free or reduced-price school meal program between 2008 and 2012. Every school district in Chester County saw a rise in the share of students eligible for free and reduced meals at school, the report said.

Phoebe Kitson-Davis, program manager for Chester County Food Bank, said that while the food bank hears from districts where “pockets of poverty” are located, the food bank also receives requests for help in the form of emergency food boxes from more wealthy districts.

“It’s heightened in pockets of poverty, but we hear from all schools that they are in need,” said Kitson-Davis. “We send emergency food boxes to Great Valley and Unionville-Chadds Ford. There is poverty throughout the county and hunger is everywhere.”

Many families in the county have turned to SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, since the economic downturn. According to the report, from fiscal year 2009-2010 to 2012-2013, the number of Chester County children served by SNAP increased by 56 percent.

Julie Zaebst, policy center manager for the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, said that after recent cuts to SNAP that began on Nov. 1, the need has become greater. The cuts meant that a family of four received $36 less per month.

“As Congress is scaling back benefits, families with children are still struggling,” said Zaebst.

“As parents lost their jobs or had their hours reduced, SNAP was there to make sure their children didn’t go hungry,” she added. “When times are tough, the program helps more in need. As the economy recovers, we expect fewer families will need the program.”

Kitson-Davis added that the SNAP cuts mean that the food bank is currently working to meet an increase in the number of people turning to local food cupboards.

The report recommends that to combat the increase in childhood poverty and increased food insecurity, the county works with federal safety programs, such as SNAP, to ensure that no child goes hungry. It also suggests that schools try to ensure that those eligible for free or reduce-priced breakfast and lunch are able to access those meals.

“The Bottom Line is Children: Economic and Food Security in Chester County” is the latest in a four-part series looking at issues affecting children in each of Philadelphia’s suburban counties. The reports can be found at

Daily Local Times – December 2, 2013 – Đọc bài báo trực tuyến