Pre-K chất lượng cao tạo ra trạng thái hạnh phúc hơn, khỏe mạnh hơn - Dự án James - ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2014

Early childhood education continues to receive growing support from within Pennsylvania. Through the statewide Pre-K for PA campaign, educators and community leaders are not the only ones expressing a commitment to investing in the state’s youngest learners.

Former Gov. Ed Rendell (D) and Former Gov. Mark Schweiker (R) toured the state from Erie to Philadelphia to encourage their state leaders to commit to pre-k for all Pennsylvania 3 & 4 year olds by 2018. Convening in Philadelphia at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Governor Mark Schweiker noted how the investment makes solid business sense.

“I have seen the benefits of investment in pre-k to the economy in Oklahoma and Georgia. I am lifelong Pennsylvania resident. I won’t see the benefits of that investment [here]. Pennsylvania needs to invest in Pennsylvania – not only for the academic benefits but also the economic growth and opportunity,” he shared.

Former Governor Ed Rendell echoed those sentiments and shared the recent data that supports the growing support throughout Pennsylvania for an investment in early learning. “67% of Pennsylvania voters across party lines support expanding access to high-quality pre-k programs,” Rendell shared during the joint press conference.

The Economy League commissioned an economic impact report to demonstrate why this is a smart investment. Steve Wray pointed to “Pre-K Math” ( an infographic previously shared but still relevant. Investing in pre-k for all 3 & 4 year olds in the state would mean 28,000 new jobs and 1.8 billion dollars in local sales.

In addition, “Education is a core issue for PA voters – 41% of whom say education is one of the most important issues for elected officials to focus on.” Pre-k is an issue that has bipartisan support in the legislature and among voters across Pennsylvania. As Gov Rendell stated, “We’re not there yet. We’ve made great strides but we need to do even more.”

If you are a Pennsylvania resident and would like to support the statewide campaign for affordable, voluntary access to high quality pre-k for all 3 & 4 year olds, show your support by signing on here:

The James Project – June 10, 2014 – Đọc bài báo trực tuyến