Give Kids Sight Day Offers Kids Free Checkups And Glasses – CBS3 – October 26, 2010

Parents whose Philadelphia school children need glasses can get them a free checkup, and up to two pairs of glasses this Saturday, at a Wills Eye Institute sponsored, “Give Kids Sight Day.”

Organizers say the Philadelphia School District does an admirable job of making sure children get vision screenings, but close to two-thirds who fail do not receive a follow-up eye exam with a doctor:

“This is a fixable problem,” says Sarah Martinez-Helfman, executive director of Eagles Youth Partnership, which hooked up with Will’s Eye Institute for this outreach.

Will’s Eye ophthalmologist-in-chief Dr. Julia Haller says, “last year, about 1,200 kids showed up at Will’s. We had no idea.”

Colleen McCauley is the health policy director for P.C.C.Y., Public Citizens for Children and Youth: “Children up to the age of 18 will be provided free eye checks, and if necessary, free glasses.”

It’s this Saturday, October 30th at Will’s Eye Institute (9th and Walnut Streets), between 8am and 2pm. It’s first come, first served, and children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

CBS3 – October 26, 2010 – Đọc bài báo trực tuyến