Philly Loves Pre-K

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200 North 6th Street
Philadelphia, 19102

Every young child in Pennsylvania deserves a great start — that’s why Philly LOVES Pre-K!

There is no better investment for our future than quality early learning. ­Yet, with only .6% percent of the state’s $27.7 billion budget devoted to high quality pre-k, nearly a quarter million of Pennsylvania’s 3- and 4-year-olds do not have access to quality early learning.

Let’s show our leaders that we want the best for ALL our young children. Help Pre-K for PA send a message that Philly LOVES Pre-K with a child and family-friendly event on September 16th. We will join together at Franklin Square in Philadelphia to construct a movable mural, using children’s input and on-site artwork.

Early Childhood programs and families: Bring your children on a field trip to Franklin Square on September 16.  We will be constructing a giant movable mural, using children’s input and on-site artwork; representing the young children across the state, it will be used at a variety of public events this fall.  There will also be music and movement activities to make this a great all-round outing.

Advocates and volunteers:  Come join the crowd, lend a hand with the children, and help create an arresting visual to elevate the message that all our young children deserve the best.


Help us make this a fun day for everyone!

Let us know how many children to expect or if you’re willing to volunteer by registering.


Event Location
Franklin Square
200 North 6th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

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