March For Our Lives – Washington DC

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1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Hoa Kỳ

“We cannot allow one more child to be shot at school. We cannot allow one more teacher to make a choice to jump in front of a firing assault rifle to save the lives of students.”

After yet another tragic school shooting, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida, on Valentine’s Day last week, the surviving students have scheduled a rally in order to demand gun regulation and increased safety in schools for children.

The rally, being called, “March For Our Lives” will take place on Saturday, March 24th trong Washington DC.  Children, parents and numerous supporters of the cause will be marching on the streets “to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.”

PCCY is sponsoring a bus to take supporters to DC for $20 (transportation on a motor coach to and from Philly and DC).  Availability is first come first served.  Bus will depart from the United Way Building, 17th & The Benjamin Franklin Parkway at 7:30am (tentative) returning approximately 7pm.

Our schools are unsafe. Our children and teachers are dying. We must make it our top priority to save these lives. 

Click here to pay for your spot and join us on the March For Our Lives. 

Can’t join us?  Consider buying a seat and sponsoring a young person so they can attend.

Are you a student?  Want to join us for free?  Click here to sign up!

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