Fair School Funding Campaign Launch

Đang tải Sự kiện
  • ày đã qua.
N. Thứ 3 St.
Harrisburg, PA 17120 Hoa Kỳ

Please join PCCY and more than 40 organizations for the launch of the Fair School Funding campaign.  Over the next two years, this campaign will work to ensure that schools across Pennsylvania receive predictable, equitable and adequate state funding.

The campaign launch will begin with a press conference at 12:30pm in the Main Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, followed by visits to legislators informing them of our efforts.  We will plan to leave Harrisburg by 2:30pm.

Please RSVP by October 1st to let us know if you will meet us there or if you need a ride or if you can offer a ride!

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