BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Planned Giving Options

Consider an investment in the future of Children First by making a donation to through your will or other planned gift vehicle. Your donation will help ensure our future as a critical voice for our region’s children and will make a crucial difference in sustaining our vital mission into the future. This gift represents your pride in our organization’s accomplishments, longevity and laser focus on impactful advocacy for our kids.

Including Children First in your Запланированная отдача offers you an opportunity to help us continue to speak out and watch out for children and families in our region. Generally, planned gifts are made through a bequest in a will (either a set amount OR a percentage of an estate’s total); a charitable trust or annuity; or a gift of real estate, personal property (stocks or bonds), or life insurance. Often, a planned gift provides a means for an individual to make a larger gift than originally thought possible, while leaving a legacy for the benefit of children and youth.

Ready to make a gift to Children First right now?

КЛИКНИТЕ СЮДА сделать пожертвование на любом уровне.

For more information or questions about giving options, call Caroline King, Children First’s Major Gifts Officer at 215-563-5848 x31 or email