Health Insurance for All Children Partners

When the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted Cover All Kids – it extended health care coverage to almost every child in Pennsylvania – except the 47,000 statewide who do “not meet the citizenship requirements of Title XXI of the Social Security Act.” These 13 words bar children whose parents entered the country with them illegally from enrolling in the state’s CHIP program.

PCCY has initiated a campaign to modify state law and enable all children, including the estimated 9,200 undocumented children in southeastern Pennsylvania, to qualify for public health insurance.

Pennsylvania can join the ranks of states and localities that have chosen to use their own resources to cover the cost of health coverage for children who are undocumented – localities including Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Please join PCCY and our partners in making health care for all children a reality.  Contact Colleen McCauley, PCCY Health Policy Director, at и 215-563-5848 x33.