BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

REPORT: Underwater: What’s Sinking Families in Chester County – Feb 2020

The American Dream is eroding in Chester County. Incomes that used to provide a comfortable middle class life are no longer enough to even cover the basics. Even families who are near the median income – an income that should solidify their middle class status – are drowning.

The parents in these struggling families bank on the hope that their children can move up the economic ladder, becoming more prosperous as adults than they, the parents, were.  The bleak situation facing Chester County families will only change with large-scale action.

Политика, изложенная в последнем отчете PCCY, «Под водой: что гибнет семьи в округе Честер, должны быть реализованы, иначе цикл финансового стресса никогда не закончится. Дети в этих неблагополучных семьях станут следующим поколением неблагополучных семей. Американская мечта станет американской канализацией.