Free Eye Care & Glasses for Kids – Give Kids Sight Day Returns Sat October 5th

Free Eye Care and Free Eyeglasses for Kids

Подарите детям зрение is celebrating its 10th anniversary!  It’s time to mark your calendars and help spread the word about free eye care and free eyeglasses on Saturday, October 5th!

Children 17 and under in and around the Philadelphia area are invited to this FREE annual event for FREE eye care and eyeglasses.  Sight Day is geared towards kids who did not have or did not pass an eye screening this year.  Registration takes place from 8:30am to 1:00pm at Jefferson Alumni Hall, 1020 Locust Street and features eye screening, a health fair, free books, snacks and more! 

No health insurance? No problem! All children are welcome. Walk-ins only, no appointment is needed! We do suggest families arrive early.  Did we mention this is a FREE day of eye care?

Download and post Sight Day flyers in multiple languages for your organization and in key spots in your community at are available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Vietnamese, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Bengali.  

Help spread the word further by joining us on social media! You can find us on Facebook at GiveKidsSightDay or Twitter @PHL_GKS
Please forward this email to your co-workers and networks too!

ВОЛОНТЕРЫ are also needed to make this event a big success! Each year, we recruit nearly 400 volunteers to assist families register and help them move between patient care areas. We’d love to see you there! 

Sign up at Language interpreters are also needed and in highest demand in Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Indonesian. Please share this opportunity with a friend. 

For more information, call us at 215-563-5848 x21 or email

Thank you!

Here’s some NIMBY-ism we can support: Tell Harrisburg to shut down Berks County Residential Center, a house of horrors for the women and children jailed there.



Trump administration leave 500,000 children hungry as it moves to axe free school lunches for the most vulnerable kids in the nation.



The final vote may have been “inexplicably” delayed in June but we’re on track for a new lead law for Philadelphia this fall! Please RETWEET!


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“We feel an even greater sense of urgency than we did last year.”

Gov. Tom Wolf, at Overbrook school this week, where he announced $4.3 million to help remove lead paint from Philly public schools.