They couldn’t afford healthcare for their kids. They got help–December 21, 2018


They couldn’t afford healthcare for their kids. They found help.

It’s the last installment of The Point for 2018. This week we’re sharing a very special letter from a very dear family who spoke on behalf of thousands of families when Congress nearly failed to reauthorize CHIP. This week, they’re speaking for us.

To our readers and supporters, thank you for helping us make a difference to families like the Farhats!

Thank goodness for PCCY!

We are so grateful for the folks there who sprang into action last spring and stood with us to advocate for Congress to reauthorize the CHIP—Children’s Health Insurance Program—nationally.

This really hit home for us.

When we learned that our children qualified for CHIP last summer, we were filled with such deep relief.

Our three-year-old daughter, Jennan, needed extensive dental care that was not covered by the insurance we got through Mohammad’s job. The dental procedures she needed cost thousands of dollars, and we do not have that kind of money in the bank. We simply could not pay for the care she needed.

Our health insurance had become unaffordable. In addition to Jennan’s dental care, the three kids have a genetic condition that requires regular care from a rheumatologist. Our nine-year-old son, Faisal, also has epilepsy, and the medication he needs to prevent seizures is very expensive.

PCCY asked us and hundreds of citizens like us to speak out to save CHIP. When Amel spoke at a press conference, she said, “I ask the legislators to put themselves in my shoes and the shoes of other CHIP parents. We need to help take care of the children and make sure CHIP is there for them.”

Who else was going to stand with us to demand that PA kids get the coverage they deserve?

Who else has the network and know-how to build coalitions and bring together politicians, physicians, and CHIP families to lift a powerful, united voice in support of this life-changing issue?

Without PCCY’s leadership, 178,000+ PA kids would simply not have health insurance and would be leading much different lives than they do now.
PCCY’s efforts to improve health care services and advocate for funding for child health programs changes lives—it changed ours. And we know that they are helping undocumented kids get insurance as well.

We were able to turn to an organization like PCCY and it made all the difference for us. We ask that you consider supporting their work on behalf of all families in our region.

Mohammad & Amel Farhat
Parents of Abooda, Kareem, Faisal, and Jennan

Thank you for sharing your story with our readers, Farhat family!

And Happy Holidays to all! 

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Are you appalled PA says it covers all kids but doesn’t?
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Instead of solutions to protect kids from school shootings, the panel formed in response to Parkland massacre calls for end to policy that protects minority students from discrimination.





Protect kids from the mistakes of grown-ups!

Congress could eliminate Head Start and federal school lunch programs to fight this year’s ballooning deficit.

RETWEET if you think lawmakers should think harder!

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“It’s as if the state legislature created the law in 1997 and hadn’t much bothered with it since, other than to urge more charter schools to open. That is criminally irresponsible.” Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board, on the state’s inability to fix the worst charter law in the nation. The editorial also featured PCCY’s charter school checklist from our report, “Расширение возможностей чартерных школ высокого качества.”