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Sunny with some Clouds: The PA Budget Forecast – Feb 9, 2022


The Pennsylvania Forecast: Mostly Sunny with a Few Clouds

Budget day is the most optimistic day in the Pennsylvania legislative cycle. In this once in a generation moment, when massive surpluses will be available to Pennsylvania families, imagine if the legislature decided it was time to raise expectations and go farther.

Governor Wolf did raise expectations with an ambitious budget that would improve prospects for children by providing tools, services, and resources to: 

  • Prepare the commonwealth’s public school students for college, career, and success in the real world.
  • Give more parents the choice of enrolling their child in pre-k and other early learning programs that build the foundational skills children need to start school ready to learn. 
  • Respond to the increasing anxiety and depression among new mothers so they nurture their children and return to work.
  • Curb the impact of inflation on families by making child care more available and less expensive.
  • Keep child care centers open by ensuring child care providers are paid enough to keep them caring for children. 
  • Provide more high school graduates the opportunity to enroll in training programs or college.

But there are a few clouds in the budget forecast as some children and families were left out in the rain.

Read our full budget analysis here.

Last night, Children First treated viewers to our first ever budget talk show, The Pennsylvania Forecast. Watch and share this lighthearted 1/2 hour program that delivers significant information about how children and families would benefit from the Governor’s budget plan. Click on the photo to watch the show!



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