Are Your Kids Covered? CHIP Enrollment Drops in Pennsylvania – – February 15, 2011

On the NYC based comedy show Everybody Hates Chris, one episode speaks of cough syrup being a cure-all. Have a stomach ache? Take some cough syrup. Stub your toe? Take some cough syrup. Gotta a nose bleed? Take some cough syrup.

Even in Philadelphia homes, there are similar running jokes. Have a head cold? A crick in your neck? A splinter? Don’t take some cough syrup; move your bowels instead! Emptying your bowels can fix any problem.

All jokes aside. When it comes to medical and dental health, home remedies don’t always cure all. That’s why it’s so important to protect your family with insurance, especially the little family members who cannot protect themselves, your children.

The enrollment numbers of the state’s health insurance plan for children, CHIP, have dropped by more than 4,000 kids in the last year. According to Colleen McCauley, PCCY’s Health Director, nearly “every child [qualifies] for health insurance” in Pennsylvania. Perhaps parents just aren’t aware of this fact?

Is your child one of the 138,558 Pennsylvania children eligible for CHIP or Medicaid but not enrolled?

Is your child one of the estimated 26,000 Philadelphia children without health insurance?
If so, he or she doesn’t have to be.

With so many parents still unemployed and the 2011 Federal poverty guideline set at $22,352 for a family of four, more families are expected to be eligible for Medicaid. A family of four can have a household income of $44,100 and still be eligible for CHIP.

According to CHIP’s informational website, the program is “for families with no other available health coverage.” CHIP offers FREE, low-cost and full-cost insurance to those who need it.

Parents, why not take advantage of this opportunity to ensure your children get proper care while covered under health and dental insurance?

Contact a CHIP counselor at 1-800-986-KIDS to apply.
Call Deborah Zubow on PCCY’s Child Health Watch Helpline 215-563-5848 x17 for more information on how to apply for FREE or low cost health insurance. – February 15, 2011 – Читать статью онлайн