April 12 is Give Kids Sight Day – Free Eye Exams and Glasses for Children! – WIRD – April 9, 2014

Pub­lic Cit­izens for Chil­dren and Youth (PCCY), Wills Eye Hos­pit­al, Eagles Youth Part­ner­ship, Thomas Jef­fer­son Uni­versity, Vis­ion­works and the First Hos­pit­al Found­a­tion are team­ing up for the fifth annual “Give Kids Sight Day.”

Free Eye Exams and Glasses for Children
Saturday, April 12, 2014

8:30am – 2:00pm
Hamilton Building at 1001 Locust Streets
on the Thomas Jefferson University Campus

Children 0 to 18 years old welcome with a parent or guardian
No appointments necessary – walk in only
First come, First serve basis

No health insurance? No problem!

Each child who participates will receive 2 free SEPTA tokens!

Re­gis­tra­tion for this free event will take place at the Hamilton Build­ing at Thomas Jef­fer­son Uni­versity, at 10th and Lo­cust streets in Phil­adelphia. Re­gis­tra­tion, screen­ing and se­lect­ing glasses can take sev­er­al hours. Fam­il­ies are en­cour­aged to plan ahead for food, trans­port­a­tion and park­ing.

While wait­ing for eye care, fam­il­ies will be in­vited to par­ti­cip­ate in a health fair fea­tur­ing blood pres­sure screen­ings and as­sist­ance with ap­ply­ing for health in­sur­ance. Fam­il­ies trav­el­ing via PATCO should get off at the 9th-10th and Lo­cust streets stop.

In­ter­pret­ers in Span­ish, Man­dar­in, Vi­et­namese and sev­er­al oth­er lan­guages will also be on hand to as­sist fam­il­ies.

For in­form­a­tion, call 215-563-5848, Ext. 21 or click here for the event page on PCCY’s website.

WIRD – April 9, 2014 – Читать статью онлайн