School Funding Lawsuit and Press Conference

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1339 Chestnut Street
Филадельфия, Pa 19107

Stand with School Children of Pennsylvania

Oral Arguments are being heard for: School Funding Lawsuit Argument and Press Conference: William Penn SD et. al v. Pennsylvania Department of Education et. al

  • Courtroom – Widener Building, 1339 Chestnut Street. Doors open at 8:30am. Estimated start time at 10:30am. Seating is limited
  • Press Conference NEW LOCATION:  The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Suite 1010 immediately after the hearing. #fairfundingpa for live tweeting and announcement of press conference time.

RSVP: or call Tomea at 215-563-5848 x36 or

Click here to download the flyer.

* RSVP does not guarantee you a seat in the courtroom


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