BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Kindergarten Registration Event: Carnell Elementary

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Carnell’s Birthday Party for all 5-year-olds. Bring your required enrollment forms to the party to sign your child up for Kindergarten.

Is Your Child 5 or Turning 5 Before September? Do you live in the catchment area around Carnell?  You’ll want to join us!  Free Games and Activities, Cupcakes and Goodies, Arts and Crafts. Monday, May 22nd, 3:30pm – 5:00pm, Carnell Elementary, 1100 Devereaux Ave, Philadelphia 19111.

What to bring:

  • Parent/guardian ID
  • Proof of child’s age
  • Child’s current immunization records
  • 2 documents proving your address



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