Капитолийский караван: K12

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Н. 3-я ул.
Harrisburg, PA 17120 Соединенные Штаты

Come Fight For Our Schools.  Join PCCY in telling elected officials that our students need #fairfundingpa.

If you live in southeastern PA, and would like to go with us to visit legislators contact PCCY.  Delaware and Montgomery Counties: call Shirlee Howe at 215-888-8297 or email shirleeh@childrenfirstpa.org; Округ Бакс: call Bill Shoffler at 215-740-8480 or email bills@childrenfirstpa.org; Филадельфия: contact Tomea Sippio Smith at 215-563-5848 x36 or tomeas@childrenfirstpa.org


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