- Это мероприятие прошло.
The Celebration of the 2020/2021 Public Citizen for Children and Youth honoring Daniel J. Hilferty, Gregory E. Deavens, and Independence Blue Cross
Четверг, 6 мая 2021 г., 17:30
Первоначально запланировано на весну 2020 года, но отложено из-за COVID, we will put a spotlight on the visionary commitment of Dan Hilferty, Greg Deavens and the team at Independence Blue Cross for their commitment to the health and well-being of the citizens of our region, especially the children. When Dan retired as President and CEO in December 2020, Greg took the helm in January 2021. Under his leadership, Independence continues to lead the pack in transforming health care in America, based on a belief that access to care is a right, not a privilege. Independence works tirelessly on behalf of underserved and vulnerable populations, and has been a civic leader focused on improving the quality of life for all Philadelphians.
We will also be celebrating an extraordinary group of individuals… PCCY’s Health Heroes … who have volunteered their time and talents to serving children and families in our region.
So join us on Thursday, May 6th, as we will celebrate PCCY’s 40th Anniversary with over four decades of successes including: guaranteeing health care coverage for every child, expanding the availability of affordable, high quality Pre-K, advocating for better public schools, boosting access to out of school activities for kids and funding hands-on arts programming in our schools through our Picasso Project.
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