BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

Celebration of the 2024 Champion for Children

The Celebration of the 2024 Children First “Champions for Children” honoring Vanguard

On the evening of Thursday, May 16, 2024, Children First will shine a spotlight on Авангард for being exceptional leaders in making a lifelong impact on the lives of children. In words, deeds, and with resources, Авангард has stepped up for every child to get what they deserve in life – a strong start. 

For decades, Авангард has been an unsung partner and champion with Children First and local and national early learning leaders to deliver on this belief. In the last six years alone, the company has invested over $60 million to support the learning, development, and joy of children today. Авангард uses the same steady and research-backed approach to steward the investments of more than 50 million people worldwide to pave the way for children, regardless of race or zip code, to have the access to high-quality child care and early learning experiences.

We know that there are many worthy causes and amazing regional leaders to honor, but we urge you to join Children First as we honor Vanguard as the 2024 Champions for Children. In doing so, you’ll be among a growing list of corporations, organizations, and individuals that are actively improving the future for children.

Advocates of the Year

Advocates are the real power behind Children First’s success.  Check out our list of the 2024 Advocates of the Year.

Tickets and Sponsorship

Click here to purchase TICKETS

Click here to purchase Individual Sponsorships

Click here for Corporate Sponsorships

Championship Sponsors:

Leading Sponsor:

Спонсоры адвокатов:


Поддерживающие спонсоры:

BCDI-Philadelphia & Vicinity

Brightside Academy


Козен О'Коннор

Delaware Valley Regional Economic Development Fund

GSL Public Strategies

Independence Blue Cross

Фонд Независимости

Jefferson Health Plans

Philadelphia Housing Authority

Saul Ewing LLP

Temple University Health System

Союзные спонсоры:

AmeriHealth Caritas

Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC


Фонд округа Делавэр

Keystone Family Health Plan

Pincus Family Foundation

Project HOME

Reinvestment Fund

Schweiger Dermatology

Somerset Academy

S.R. Wojdak & Associates


Индивидуальные спонсоры:

Фонд AMJ
Кэролайн и Тим Адамс
Линдси и Сэм Олбрайт
Michael Churchill & Tasha Stonorov
Jim & Jan Creedon
Harriett Dichter & John Schapiro
The Margaret Glenn Estey Fund
Helen & Leonard Evelev
Bill Ewing
Phil Fitzgerald
Ричард и Сьюзан Фрейзер
Amy Ginensky & Andrew Rogoff
Stephen & Barbara Gold
Мэри Голдман
Rosemarie & Anne Greco-Morrisey
Janet Haas
Кэрол Хаас Граваньо
David & Jacqui Griffith
David Hackett
Rosemarie & Jay Halt
Valerie Hamilton
Renee Hughes
Hallum Hurt
Mary and Howard Hurtig
Фил Джориг
Chrissy Kind & Ralph
Caroline King
Кен и Ив Клотен
Элейн Линди
Nancy Lucas
Ed Mahlman & Moya Kinnealey
Сара Неркен
Kathleen Noonan
Lisa Panepinto
Carla Manley-Russock
Carol Pate & John Melvin
Heidi Ramírez
Брайан, Судзунг и Роберт Рэнкин
Michael Rashid
Ann Rosewater & Robert Kronley
ShaVon Savage
Don Schwarz
Frances Sheehan & Ricardo Gelman
Даррен Смит
Shanin and Tracey Specter
H. Lynn Starr
Ebony Staton
John & Jane Summers
The Marni Sweet Fund
John Taylor
Рене Турчи
Teresa Ward-Maupin
Пэт Уэст и Том Вернон
Flora Wolf & Laslo Boyd
Wendy Wolf

Натуральные спонсоры: