BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

Annual Appeal: Our Kids Are Worth It

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Only a few months ago, we entered a David vs. Goliath struggle – little kids vs BIG SODA.  We led the fight for kids, and we won!  We couldn’t have done it without your support!

The American Beverage Association dug into its deep pockets to inundate Philadelphia with lies and innuendo about how a tax on sugary drinks would cause the sky to fall.

Their $10 million campaign was no match for the passionate citizens who responded to PCCY’s call and flooded Philadelphia City Council with one simple message; Our Kids are Worth It!

We could not have mounted this great campaign without your help.

  • When beverage company brass claimed the soda tax would be regressive, we hit back exposing the hollowness of their “concern for the poor” since low income consumers have been prey for the company coffers for decades!
  • When their workers claimed the tax would cause the bottling plants to close, we exposed the longstanding plans to shutter the plants anyhow.
  • When their lobbyists argued that the tax hurt small businesses, we proved that healthier choices would improve business bottom lines.
  • When our opponents began the worst refrain of all, that “pre-k wouldn’t be needed if parents just took better care of their kids,” we opened the floodgates with PCCY supporters who deluged City Council with one simple phrase: “Our Kids are Worth It!”

Because of you, we won an epic battle!  Now the soda companies are seeking protection from the courts.  God-willing, the needs of our children will prevail there too.

Here’s more news, the soda tax campaign isn’t our only win this year…

Your support mattered:

  • Another 7,000 children are starting school ready to learn because of our wins at the state level to increase funding for Pre-K.
  • For the first time in years, thousands of children are returning to schools with more resources because we led an effort to persuade the state legislature to put kids first and finally pass a school funding formula and increase support for public schools.

These victories will change the lives of more than one million children who attend schools across the Commonwealth because of your support. 

That’s how advocacy works. It pushes for change at scale.  We can only be a leader in the crusade for children because of the generosity of people like you! The progress we made this year proves that your donation will matter.

The most respected pollsters tell us that the top issue for voters of all stripes in this election was the future their children will inherit.  Our new President must take bold action to make America materially better for the next generation. 

Now more than ever, PCCY’s work is needed to push for and build the public support to wisely invest in children.  You can be part of making that happen!  Please consider supporting us with a donation of any amount so we build on our momentum, and the national sentiment, and get much more done for kids.


Donna R. Cooper

P.S. We don’t accept any government funds. Yet, now that the election is over, the demands on us are mounting.  We must increase our donations by $100,000 this year!  You can help make that goal a reality! 

Donate online today at