BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

REPORT: No More Dreams Deferred – Mar 2021

No More Dreams Deferred: Building An Education System That Works for Black and Hispanic Students

Across the region, the share of students of color attending suburban public schools is growing. In fact, one of four students attending 61 suburban school districts in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties are Black or Hispanic. Without question, these suburban school districts are becoming more and more diverse, yet the educational paradigms have not kept pace with this change.

To build an education system that works for the region’s Black and Hispanic students, schools, districts, and lawmakers must stop divorcing the issues of poor school climate, lower access to rigorous academic courses, racially and economically segregated classrooms, and consistently inadequate school funding from student performance.

Time is of the essence.

Black and Hispanic students will be more prepared to meet life’s challenges and excel if their schools can better address their needs and improve how they educate and support them. Education should work for every child; not one more child’s dream should be deferred.

Check out the Executive Summary in Spanish.