BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

PA Budget Not a Guessing Game

2015 Budget Comparison


Numbers don’t lie. Governor Wolf’s proposed budget would invest an additional $410 million in schools, with over $44 million coming to suburban districts in Southeast PA. The budget passed by the legislature and vetoed by the Governor underfunds Southeast PA schools by $33 million. It also fails to account for the disproportionate cuts felt by lower-income districts over the past four years.

Click here to see how your school district fares under the differing state budget proposals.


Public schools can’t catch a break. Five years since lawmakers did away with charter reimbursement, they have once again passed a budget with no relief for districts struggling to pay the costs of charter tuition. Reinstating a fair funding formula with charter reimbursement would save districts in the four suburban counties over $45 million next year. On top of that, lawmakers failed to enact simple reforms that could save Southeast districts an estimated $73 million in cyber costs. Click here to see what these missed opportunities cost your district.


Call your legislator today and ask them to stop playing games with our children’s futures. We need a budget with $410 million to build stronger schools and reduce inequalities.

Find you legislator here.