Parents Aren’t the Only Ones Doing Back to School Shopping–August 30, 2019




Parents Aren’t The Only Ones Doing Back To School Shopping

This Labor Day weekend, parents aren’t the only ones doing back to school shopping. Pennsylvania’s teachers are also jamming the school supply aisles. On average, teachers across the country will spend about $460 a year to prepare their classrooms and make sure there are snacks, tissues, toilet paper and other items their students need. In fact teachers in PA spend more than most to prepare their classrooms.

It’s not one or two teachers that are reaching into their wallets to educate our children. Nearly 95% will. And, nine out of ten teachers won’t be reimbursed in spite of the fact that our teachers are aren’t getting rich by laboring in our classrooms and building young minds.

By now we all know that the Pennsylvania constitution requires the state to provide our students with a “thorough and efficient education.” It’s currently only providing about 38% of the funding our schools receive. So instead, teachers are digging into their pockets to help us all live up to our constitution mandate. That’s why this Labor Day, we urge all public school supporters to show our teachers that even if our state legislature won’t do what it’s mandated to do, we will chip in by contributing to their donor’s choice request.

Keep in mind our teachers are begging really just to cover the basics like books for their students and chairs for their classrooms.

In Coatesville, one teacher is asking for donations so he can purchase books for his high school students that they can relate to so that they develop a love of reading.

In Bristol, a 6th grade English teacher is asking for money for donations so she can buy assistive technology so that her students with learning differences and those without can talk with each other.

A Philadelphia teacher needs an easel, paper, homework folders, a calendar and book boxes.

Books, technology and classroom supplies? These aren’t pie-in-the sky requests. In a state with a billion dollar budget surplus, there is no excuse for our teachers to have to beg. But they must and we must respond.

More than 2,000 teachers in Pennsylvania are asking for donations so that students can get the supplies they need. Just in the Philadelphia area 920 teachers need us to step up to do what the state has not – adequately fund our schools.

While we keep fighting to get better funding for our students, teachers can use your help today.

Celebrate Labor Day by making a statement in support of our teachers and the students they teach. They are clearly doing their part. When you make your donation to a classroom, let your state representative and state senator know that you did so and ask them to step up and fund our schools. Let your friends and others know you made a donation to our schools on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, using #paschoolswork to inspire others to follow your example.


Do what the PA Legislature refuses to do, this Labor Day give a teacher what they need to educate our students.




Alarming US service members and families abroad, President Trump suddenly halts automatic citizenship for some children born abroad.




Volunteers are needed for PCCY’s Give Kids Sight Day  – celebrating 10 years of free eye care and free eyeglasses for children in our region.  Sign up today to help families register or guide families through the different care areas.  Do you speak another language?  Your help as an interpreter would be invaluable! Bring a friend! Make new friends! Corporate groups welcome. Email for more information or click below to register. 


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“There is not a whole lot that government should do in a system like ours but making sure we have a world–class education system has got to be, for me, the top priority.”

– Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf