BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

Good News for a Change – Jul 9, 2022



At long last, your hard work is paying off for kids. The calls, letters, tweets, meetings, rallies, vigils, and endless pushing worked. 

State lawmakers passed a state budget yesterday that makes historic new increases in programs that improve the lives of children.

Each day we witness children carrying a very heavy burden, as the pandemic amplified challenges that already existed. Although not at the scale needed to lift their unjust burden completely, the state budget enacted earlier today makes unprecedented investments in children.

  • $1 billion for schools
  • $200 million+ for early learning programs

Read the details here!

This completely bipartisan budget agreement shows that it’s possible for lawmakers to compromise and make progress simultaneously, especially when it comes to our state’s most valuable long-term assets – children.

Today, take a second to reflect on the progress we’ve made and recharge your batteries. Monday we will return to the hard work of making the lives of every child better.

We can all find a way to help kids!

From Lifeguard Grandma to (Celebrity) Lifeguard Grandma

As gun sales soared over the past two years, more background checks slipped through holes in the system.

Read about the FBI not finishing over one million background checks.

Over the course of his first 100 days, School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. Tony Watlington Sr. will host 80 Listening & Learning Sessions wherein he meets students, families, District staff, and community members invested in our student’s achievement.

Join Children First on Thursday, July 28th at 6:30pm to 8pm as we hear Dr. Watlington share his ideas and learn from ours.


On passing the PA State budget:

“This budget is an example of the
collective and cooperative action that
our constituents want from us. It’s what
they want government to do.”

– Senator Pat Browne

“When we add the numbers up,
$1.1. billion in education funding…
tripling our commitment to education.
We have to take a moment to thank
Governor Wolf for staying the course
in this budget process so that we made
a historic commitment to the education
of our children.”

– Senator Vincent Hughes