BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

No Cyber Charter Soliciting – Nov 18, 2022


No More Cyber Charter Cold Calls

Not all kids are cut out for virtual learning, a fact we learned when schools shut their doors during COVID and test scores plummeted. But for some students, online instruction is their ticket to success and they have options in PA school districts.

Another option is cyber charter schools, and PA’s 13 cybers rake in a lot of taxpayer dollars. That’s probably why more cyber charter operators are asking to peddle their wares here.

We don’t need any new cyber charters for a few reasons, but mainly because they fail in their core mission teaching kids. Research nationally and in Pennsylvania shows that cyber-charter schools have an “overwhelmingly negative” impact on student learning.  We have to question why we need more cyber charters in PA when 100% of them here are designated as “needing additional support” by the state.

On top of that, cyber charters are draining much-needed funds from our public schools to the tune of more than $1 billion a year, putting intense new pressure on property taxes. Even worse, cyber charters are paid the same rate as brick and mortar charter schools even though their costs are about 25% lower.

Finally, interest in cyber charters is declining. After a big run up during the pandemic, cyber charter enrollment shrank by 7% last year. In the lexicon of school choice, students are choosing with their feet, and they are choosing to return to the classroom.

Despite that, two new cyber charter schools are knocking on Pennsylvania’s education door.
Children First’s
PA Charter Performance Center went on the record opposing their applications this week. Here’s why.

One claims its student performance would soar by using a for-profit vendor, Pearson Virtual Schools, for curricula, teacher training, special education, and other services. But two other cyber charters are already using Pearson and those students aren’t meeting academic standards.

The other wants to focus on students who dropped out or are at risk of dropping out of school, a laudable goal because many of these students have significant barriers to attending school full-time. The problem is that this new cyber charter would require these very same students to attend full-time – just like every other cyber charter – so we have to ask why they should “open shop” in the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law is over 20 years old so long overdue for an update. Commonsense changes should include:

  • Not paying twice for online education in school districts that already offer
  • Aligning cyber tuition rates with their actual costs 
  • Auditing their enrollment and financial performance annually. 
  • Setting a uniform, statewide cyber tuition rate.

At the very least, let’s stop the unsolicited applications from new cyber charter schools and focus on improving the ones we already have. 

Our children are living in poverty in the richest country in the world. We’re collecting at least 1,000 signatures  before Thanksgiving to tell Congress to expand programs proven to reduce child poverty. Add your name here.

“He was fingerprinted, mug shot, ankle bracelet, juvenile detention…” 

– Allentown mother of a 12-year-old son with behavioral diagnoses who was arrested on assault charges for aggressive behavior at school

Our report showed how deeply children were affected by COVID. Now it’s time to talk solutions.

U.S. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon and Councilmember Monica Taylor will join us for a community conversation about what must happen next for our kids’ sake. Register here.

“Everyone just wanted a kinder, gentler
Holocaust to teach as well as wanting to
control thought and maybe eviscerate
trust in public education
so that tax
money can be diverted toward private
and religious schools.”

Art Spiegelman, author of “Maus,” a
graphic novel based on his father’s life
in the Holocaust, that has been
targeted by censorship zealots