BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

Charter School Accountability

Charter schools are meant to provide a quality public education to children in neighborhoods that lack strong schools.  Charters must be held accountable to ensure they serve all students seeking entry and that they serve the population of students in the communities where they are located.


When the COVID pandemic hit Pennsylvania in March 2020, public schools were forced to close and took on the unprecedented challenge of shifting school education plans to remote platforms — sort of like building a plane while you’re flying. PA Superintendents, school board members, educators, paraprofessionals, and staff all showed that #PASchoolsWork in the face of any challenge.

And while many schools already offered virtual learning options, today more than 90% of Pennsylvania public school districts offer an online learning program for their students. This option keeps students connected to the school district teachers, curriculum, and community, while allowing for a seamless return to school when the time is right.

Many Pennsylvania parents are considering cyber charter schools as an option for their children but it’s critical that they have all the facts, that they can “check before they choose” alternatives to in-person learning. Click below to find the resources you need to help you make the best decision for your child and your community.