BREAKING NEWS: Children First releases their 2025 County Reports.  Read Them Here.

PCCY’s 40th Anniversary

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Join us as we honor the 2020 Public Citizens for Children and Youth: Daniel J. Hilferty and Independence

On the evening of Tuesday, May 19, 2020, we will put a spotlight on the visionary commitment of Dan and Independence to the health and well-being of the citizens of our region, especially the children. Dan and his team are leading the transformation of health care in America, based on a belief that access to care is a right, not a privilege. Dan works tirelessly on behalf of underserved and vulnerable populations, and he has helped to make Independence a civic leader focused on improving the quality of life for all Philadelphians.

We will also celebrate PCCY’s 40th Anniversary! Over the past four decades our track record of success has included: guaranteeing health care coverage for every child, expanding the availability of affordable, high quality Pre-K, advocating for better public schools, boosting access to out of school activities for kids and funding hands-on arts programming in our schools through our Picasso Project.

Join us at the Celebration to also hear a special announcement about our future.

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