Universal Pre-K Outperforms All Other Ballot Questions and Most Candidates

In a historic vote, more than 80% of Philadelphia voters make it clear; we want Universal Pre-K.

Key Facts on the Approval of Ballot Question Four:

  • 124,000 voters voted “yes” on ballot question four, the most votes in favor of a ballot measure since 2007.
  • More people voted in favor of Universal Pre-K than Anthony Williams, Lynne Abraham, Doug Oliver, Nelson Diaz and Milton Street, combined!
  • Universal Pre-K gained more votes than every candidate running for office except Jim Kenney, but it was close, 124,000 votes for Universal Pre-k to 128,000 for Kenney.
  • Ballot measure #4 won approval in every ward in Philadelphia, garnering more than 90% of the vote in some.

“Voters made it crystal clear that pre-k is an issue they care very deeply about and that every child in the city should have access,” said Donna Cooper, executive director of PCCY. “This Commission’s work will be critical to expanding access to high-quality pre-k for approximately 60% of our city’s three-and four-year-olds who currently do not have access because of a lack of funding. We are excited to see Philadelphia heading in the same direction as other major cities like New York, Seattle, San Francisco, San Antonio, and Chicago in providing Universal Pre-K for its children.”

Commission will be composed of 17 members appointed by City Council and the Mayor. The Commission will develop both an implementation plan and a funding plan for Universal Pre-K. City Council is required to consider any funding plan developed by the Commission. If Council fails to adopt the Commission’s plans, the Commission will reconvene and propose a new plan each year until Council adopts one.