Where do they stand on education: Dems Edition – July 29, 2016

Where do they stand Dems SALSA

A look at the Democrats’ education platform

Last week we took a look at the GOP’s stance on various education issues. This week, the Dems and their nominee Hilary Clinton get a once over.

[Once again, a hat-tip to Education Week for their reporting and a terrific feature.]

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: Clinton supports the Common Core State Standards, saying that the now politicized argument is “painful.” The Platform speaks of raising achievement levels for all students by holding schools, districts, communities, and states accountable.

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION:  The Platform backs efforts to raise wages for childcare works, calls to invest more in early childhood programs. Clinton has said her current goal is to make high quality early childhood education available to every 4-year-old in the next 10 years.

EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT: Clinton supports the ESSA, saying it “puts us on a path to provide states and teachers flexibility to serve the needs of their children while also ensuring states are held accountable to raise achievement for all students.” The Platform speaks of shutting the door on curriculum gaps.

SCHOOL CHOICE: The Platform references the importance of “great neighborhood public schools and high-quality public charter schools.” Clinton mirrors this stance by praising the expansion of high-quality charter schools in the ESSA, but also saying that public schools can learn from successful charter schools.

SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION: Having already introduced legislation as a U.S. Senator to create “infrastructure banks” to cover the cost of construction projects for schools, Clinton calls to create a five-year $275 billion infrastructure program called “Modernize Every School Bonds.”

SCHOOL SAFETY: Clinton looks to increase programs that aim to improve student behavior, as well as investigate further into schools with discipline imbalances. The Platform calls for the use of restorative justice practices and looks to improve school culture and combat bullying.

SCHOOL SPENDING: The Platform supports “increased investments in afterschool and summer learning programs.” Clinton has said that in order to implement ESSA, sufficient funding is a must.

TEACHER QUALITY: On top of launching a campaign to recruit and retain high-quality teachers”, The Platform looks to ensure that teachers receive the tools and continued professional development that they need.

TESTS: On the 2016 campaign trail, Clinton said that tests should be used for insight regarding school improvement, but should not overtake student learning. The Platform reiterated this idea by committing themselves to “strike a better balance” in order to inform, not drive instruction.

With her longevity as an advocate for children, Clinton’s interest and aptitude in engaging with education issues is no surprise. As with the GOP nominee, we expect further discussions and more details as the campaign progresses. Stay tuned.

Read: Democratic Platform 2016

Read: Republican Platform 2016


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