Opponent of Parent-Lockup Bill Tells Us Like It Is – Philadelphia Weekly – March 19, 2010

One of the leading voices against State Sen. (and candidate for governor) Anthony Williams’ parent-jailing Bill 99 is Shelly D. Yanoff, executive director of Public Citizens for Children and Youth. She was quoted by the Daily News as saying of the bill’s goals: “Ironically, some have noted that it can result in less parental responsibility rather than more.” Yanoff spoke with PhillyNow about her thoughts on the proposed bill and what it means for Philly families. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but her ultimate conclusion on threatening a year of prison for parents of delinquents: “Often when we identify a problem and we don’t know what to do about it, we say, ‘let’s take the toughest stance whether it makes sense or not.’ I don’t think this makes sense.” Lee mas…