Extraordinary, everyday heroes–April 19, 2019

Extraordinary, everyday heroes

Since our founding in 1980, in response to the critical need to ensure every child has access to the fundamental building blocks for success, PCCY’s effectiveness is due in large part to the extraordinary and yet everyday efforts of our allies.

Our allies are an amazing cross-section of the region, representing people from all walks of life, who, in addition to managing their own busy lives, are all highly attuned to their sense of commitment to improving the lives of children. While they are regularly taking the initiative to capitalize on opportunities to make a difference, it’s always a rewarding and fruitful experience when they stand with us on particular campaigns and initiatives, extending our reach and capacity to effect meaningful change.

Every year at our Celebration of the Public Citizen party, we honor a key figure or organization that moves the needle. This year’s event, taking place at the Franklin Institute on May 15, is no different. We’re honoring Chuck Pennoni and the team at Pennoni, the consulting engineering firm.

But this year we’re also recognizing the extraordinary contributions of a few of our everyday heroes.

One of the region’s foremost pediatric dentists, Mark Goldstein was the spark that ignited our 100-organization strong Dream Care Campaign, which seeks public insurance coverage for undocumented children. His groundbreaking approach to dental care for children who suffer from significant developmental delays and physical disabilities is a masterclass in innovation and compassion. We are grateful for Mark’s willingness to treat all of the children PCCY has referred to him because they can’t afford to see a dentist.  

When we met Nancy Francis seven years ago, she was a public school music teacher who had boldly applied for a Picasso Project grant so that she could expand access to music education to Clara Barton Elementary School students. Since then, she’s been a passionate leader on the Picasso Committee, even though she retired years ago. Nancy’s tireless volunteer work on tasks great and small is directly responsible for passing along to schools much of what we raise for Picasso. Nancy is an inspiring example of how being an educator of children goes far beyond the demands of a mere career.

After serving struggling Delaware County families for 27 years, Joanne Craig is without question the top expert in the county and a powerful connector in service of children. When PCCY sought to reach Delco families to offer free health care services, like vision and dental care, Joanne answered the call benefitting hundreds of children. Similarly, she was a local force multiplier when she partnered with PCCY to form a cadre of advocates to educate Delco leaders on investing in high quality pre-K. That pre-K is so widely understood and supported in Delaware County is a testament to Joanne’s impact.

We don’t know how she finds the time to manage to run her successful communications firm, but Jennifer Hoff is a marvel in motion. As President of the William Penn School Board, her tenacity as the lead plaintiff against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the historic suit for fair and adequate education funding is, as heroes often are, highly influential but woefully underappreciated. Despite an incredible workload, Jennifer never misses a beat, whether it’s remedying the dearth of arts programs for kids in her community by establishing the thriving Arts Space Lansdowne or showing up to every opportunity to press lawmakers to fund our schools. 

A gifted problem-solver and a natural leader, Marissa Christie’s passion for helping others and her proven success in strengthening organizations and programs has served the United Way of Bucks County exceedingly well since 2010. As the organization’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Marissa has increased support for low- and moderate-income working families, particularly those with young children. Marissa first partnered with PCCY for meetings with local reporters about pre-K and school funding where she shared her own story of the challenges she faced finding the supports she and her children needed. Her courage continues to inspire us. 

If you’ve attended any of our Celebrations in the past, you can attest to the veritable who’s-who guest list of advocates for children as well as broader community leaders from Montgomery, Delaware, Bucks, Chester, and Philadelphia. In addition to all the familiar trappings of a major gala, including a very special live auction, we hope you will join us and learn more about, and enjoy the exquisite company of, our everyday, extraordinary heroes.

For tickets and more information, click HERE or on the image above.

Want to help build a better world for kids?  Join PCCY at our Annual Celebration where we will honor Chuck Pennoni and his team for advocating for improved opportunities for our young people.

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At Penn Dental this week, we met 10-year-old Javier and his million-dollar smile—the 5,000th child to receive free dental care through our Give Kids A Smile event.

Help us celebrate 16 years of GKAS and ¡RETWEET!

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