Engineering a brighter future for our kids–May 3, 2019


Engineering a brighter future for our kids

Our annual celebration remains the social event of the year for those who just want the best for kids in Southeastern PA as well as those in the child-serving sector. Here are two more reasons to join us, along with educators, lawmakers, advocates, parents (and a few of their kids, who will no doubt enjoy exploring the Franklin Institute after hours as some did last year), at the 2019 PCCY Public Citizens of the Year party on May 15.

Every year, we consider very carefully individuals or groups whose impact genuinely move the needle for children so that they’re healthier, ready to succeed, and better prepared to reach their full potential. We are so pleased to celebrate the 2019 Public Citizens for Children and Youth: Celestino “Chuck” Pennoni and his dedicated team.

Pennoni is one of Philadelphia’s premier locally-grown engineering firms that prides itself on its commitment to our region. Under Chuck’s leadership the firm has “walked-the-walk” when it comes to advocating for improved educational opportunities for youth and using the civic space to promote educational progress.

From taking the helm of Drexel University at critical junctures to chairing Philadelphia’s Council on College and Career Success, Chuck applies his talent and heart to every project he tackles and takes great pains to make the most of every opportunity to improve the lives of kids. 

Following Chuck’s lead, the Pennoni team participates in PennoniGIVES, where they direct the company’s generosity, mentor students through the highly-lauded American Civil Engineer mentorship program, and eagerly run and promote after-school engineering clubs in the City. Many decry the shortage of STEM education in our City, but Pennoni is leading Philadelphia in their effort to do something about it. 

While Chuck and his team are this year’s esteemed guests of honor, they are not the only honorable mentions for the evening. Recently, we let you know about a few members of the PCCY extended family we’ll be recognizing at the celebration. There’s one final extraordinary, everyday hero that many of you already know. That’s a safe and easy assumption for us to make because we follow her on Twitter y Facebook and can attest to her tireless efforts to support great causes and organizations, big and small. 

iHeartMedia News and Community Affairs Director and media personality Loraine Ballard Morrill is a next-level connector in our region. She uses every tool at her disposal to rally the attentions of vast audiences on the root issues that hold us back and inspires us to work together to find solutions, as she did when PCCY needed a partner to launch the READ by 4th Campaign.

With the same passion she channeled when she was a PCCY board member, Loraine signed up to be on the READ by 4th Steering Committee and turned up the volume on all iHeartMedia stations to amplify our message on youth literacy. She does the same for our annual days of free dental and vision care for kids and our major STEMcraft event that brings hi-tech learning into public schools. We are so grateful to Loraine for making PCCY a stronger organization and for her considerable impact on the lives of our region’s children.

While we do have to mention the evening will feature a very special performance from students from the Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts, a not-to-be-missed line-up of our always popular silent and live auction items, and the rare evening opportunity to explore the Franklin’s giant model of a human heart in your most resplendent finery (or business casual attire), we hope you join us in our annual coming-together of like-minded, kids-focused folks to meet new friends and allies, explore new opportunities, catch-up, and otherwise enjoy a splendid evening.

For TICKETS and more information, CLICK HERE!

Want to help build a better world for kids?  Join PCCY at our Annual Celebration where we will honor Chuck Pennoni and his team for advocating for improved opportunities for our young people.

¡Únete a la CELEBRACIÓN!


In the month following Netflix’s 13 Reason Why debut in March 2017, there was a 28.9% increase in suicide among Americans ages 10-17.





Philly kids are undertested for lead poisoning, reports NBC10.
“The fact that so many kids aren’t getting tested is an indication that the government is not doing its job.”


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“New rule, no exceptions. If you are proposing to get rid of the #phillybeveragetax, you must propose a solid, functional alternative way to fund the programs. We’ll wait.” Mustafa Rashed, CEO Bellevue Strategies, Marine veteran, PCCY board member.