BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Take action to level the learning field – Jun 22, 2022


There’s a proposal on the state budget negotiation table that would speed the state’s most underfunded school districts along the slow road toward adequacy. Let’s push them over the finish line!

Lawmakers are considering corporate tax cuts during our once-in-a-generation billions-of-dollars budget surplus, so now es the time to urge your legislators to dedicate $300 million of “Level Up” funding in this year’s budget.

This critical funding – which is a drop in the surplus bucket – would go to the 100 school districts which, by no fault of their own, have the least to spend to educate students with greatest needs, thus “leveling up” these districts via the state’s Fair Funding Formula.

The incremental funding increases of Level Up will eventually drive our districts toward adequacy.

Are you ready to stand up for Level Up? It’s time – let’s go!

Click here to identify your legislators and contact them today to tell them to support $300 million for LEVEL UP.