BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Kindergarten Registration Event: W.D. Kelly Elementary

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W. D. Kelly’s Birthday Party for all 5-year-olds. Bring your required enrollment forms to the party to sign your child up for Kindergarten.

Is Your Child 5 or Turning 5 Before September? Do you live in the catchment area around W. D. Kelly Elementary School?  You’ll want to join us!  Free Games and Activities, Cupcakes and Goodies, Arts and Crafts. Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 13pm to 5pm, W.D. Kelly Elementary School, 1601 N. 28th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19121

What to bring:

  • Parent/guardian ID
  • Proof of child’s age
  • Child’s current immunization records
  • 2 documents proving your address



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