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What do the candidates for Mayor say about the School Reform Commission? – April 10, 2015

The five candidates vary on their views of the School Reform Commission (SRC):

Abraham: does not advocate for the SRC to be removed but if it is she will seek the creation of school board with both elected and mayoral appointed members.

Diaz: calls for the SRC to be abolished and replaced with a Mayoral appointed school board of parents and students.

Kenney: does not take a position of whether the SRC should continue or not.  He indicates that he will hold his appointees accountable for their actions.

Oliver: would work to change the structure of the SRC to three members appointed by the mayor and two appointed by the state.

Williams: takes the stance that the SRC can not be dissolved until schools are fully funded but believes that mayoral control is part of the long term solution to improving education in the city.