إعطاء الخيارات

PCCY: أضف صوتك للمساعدة في دعم الأطفال من william-mei projects

العطاء السنوي

Individuals who support PCCY are part of a vibrant community of advocates who are committed to helping every child succeed in life. Contributions to the Annual Fund have a direct impact on PCCY’s ability to advance our work on behalf of the 900,000+ children living in Southeastern PA, ensuring that all of our children have consistent healthcare, proper nutrition, high-quality schools, accessible and affordable early education programs, and a dependable support network to help them grow into healthy and confident adults.  Please join us in creating a better future for our region’s children by making your contribution to PCCY today.


قادة المواطنين

For a gift of $1,000 more, we will recognize your leading support in a more dynamic way and offer you a variety of opportunities to further your understanding of core issues affecting children, along with PCCY’s strategies for solutions-based advocacy for better education and healthcare access. Exclusive gatherings will be held throughout the year that will aim to bring you closer to top thought leaders as well as other supporters who share your commitment to creating a better world for every child.


Celebration of the Public Citizen of the Year

PCCY’s annual celebration recognizes and individual and/or a company that has demonstrated their ability and dedication to helping to improve the lives and life chances of children and youth in our region. On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, we will honor Dan Hilferty, President and CEO of Independence Blue Cross for helping to improve the health and well-being of children in Pennsylvania.  انقر هنا لمزيد من التفاصيل حول احتفال 2020.


Corporate Matching

PCCY is happy to receive additional contributions through the Corporate Matching Program of the organizations and companies where people work. Matching gifts can double, and in some cases multiply by five times, the impact of your original support.  To determine whether your company or organization has a matching gift program, check with your human resources department at your company and obtain a matching gift form to complete and include with your gift. If you are making a donation online, indicate that on the donation form and just send the matching gift form to us afterwards.  That’s all you need to do and we’ll take care of the rest.


التبرع بالأسهم

للتبرع بالمخزون العيني لحساب الوساطة الخاص بـ PCCY ، ستحتاج إلى تزويد الوسيط الخاص بك بالمعلومات التالية:

DTC # 0062
اسم الحساب: Public Citizens for Children and Youth
رقم حساب الوساطة: 54891958

بمجرد اكتمال التحويل ، سنبيع الأسهم ونودع العائدات في منطقة تمويل PCCY التي اخترتها. لأسئلة محددة ، اتصل stevenf@childrenfirstpa.org أو اتصل على 5848-563-215 x11.

Endowment Fund

Invest in PCCY’s future as a critical voice for our region’s children by donating to the Endowment Fund. This gift represents your pride in our organization’s accomplishments and your commitment to PCCY’s mission, “to protect the lives and life chances of our region’s children.” A gift to PCCY’s Endowment will make a crucial difference in sustaining our vital mission into the future.


مشروع بيكاسو

Give the gift of an arts education to a child. The Picasso Project was created in 2002 to increase arts education opportunities for students in the School District of Philadelphia and improve the capacity of schools to provide arts education experiences. PCCY makes grants of up to $5,000 to Philadelphia Public Schools for projects that enhance and integrate the arts into the education curriculum and classroom, often in partnership between school teachers, artists from the community and local arts organizations.

Also, check out “Postcards for Picasso”


العطاء المخطط

Including PCCY in your planned giving offers you an opportunity to help us continue to speak out and watch out for children and families in our region. Generally, planned gifts are made through a bequest in a will; a charitable trust or annuity; or a gift of real estate, personal property (stocks or bonds), or life insurance. Often, a planned gift provides a means for an individual to make a larger gift than originally thought possible, while leaving a legacy for the benefit of children and youth.

For more information or questions about giving options, call PCCY at 215-563-5848 x11 or email info@childrenfirstpa.org.