Yeah, there are many problems. How about solutions?–October 11, 2019


Ready for some solutions?

If you’re raising a family in Philadelphia, you can probably attest to some of the common challenges most of face, like issues of affordability, education, and child care. In an upcoming PCCY report, we found the struggles of middle-class families are far more pronounced than is appreciated.

Due to the rising costs of raising children, we found even families earning up to $75,000 a year are barely keeping their heads above water as, after they pay for the basics, they have little left over. That is, if they aren’t sinking into debt.

In Philadelphia, 70% of families earn less than $75k annually.

Like you, we work hard to understand a problem at its source, consider every possible factor that affects it, and take care to define it as clearly and comprehensively as possible. For PCCY, that’s just the beginning of the work.   

Like you, we’re less interested talking about problems than we are seeking solutions.

That’s why we’re delighted to invite you to a special panel discussion hosted by the Philadelphia Inquirer, called From Broke to Thriving: Five Ways to Structurally Tackle What Holds Back Philadelphia’s Families.

Broke to Thriving takes place October 25, from 9-11am, at the Philadelphia Inquirer, 901 Market Street, Center City, Philadelphia.

PCCY, Resolve Philadelphia, and the Inky will gather the region’s top minds on five of the most significant issues facing families: Health, the job market, quality of education, housing affordability, and returning citizens (from incarceration).

Several years ago, the Inquirer hosted a panel discussion about our Left Out series of reports on the status of children in the region. The response was phenomenal, and we reached our seating capacity very quickly.

We expect Broke to Thriving to elicit an even greater response, thanks to the amazing roster of panelists:

  • Mark Zandi from Moody’s Analytics, one of the most important economic thinkers in the region
  • Don Schwarz, former Deputy Mayor and current Vice President, Program, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the trailblazing thought leaders on the interconnectedness of poverty and health
  • City Councilperson Helen Gym, who will share strategies that boost mobility and inclusiveness in housing and education
  • Eva Gladstein, Deputy Managing Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Philadelphia, who will share her insight into policies already in place to support families
  • Jondhi Harrell, the formerly incarcerated, inspirational leader of the Center for Returning Citizens
  • Larry Eichel, former reporter and editor at the Inquirer, who leads the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Philadelphia research initiative
  • Panel moderator Jean Friedman-Rudovksy, Co-Executive Director of Resolve Philadelphia and former editor of the groundbreaking Broke In Philly media collaborative

Finally, as impressive as these panelists may be, the most compelling speakers of the day may very well be our group of families who will offer their expert opinion on the conversation as it unfolds.

Don’t miss your chance to engage with the leading minds on these key issues as they work to formalize and articulate an agenda to help every family get above water.

 Register at:


Get the asbestos and lead out of Philly schools!

Take a moment to sign this petition calling for city, state, and federal officials to fund a $100M plan to remediate damaged asbestos and toxic lead in Philadelphia Schools!

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Profiting from school shootings? Clothing company Bstroy is selling sweatshirts with the names of schools where children were murdered during mass shooting…adorned with bullet holes.

Sign this petition and help get these shirts removed.



We served our 10,000th child at the 10th annual Give Kids Sight Day last weekend! This year alone, an amazing team of 425 volunteers served nearly 1,200 kids in four hours!


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“See you Sunday, Philly!!!” Gisele Fetterman, Second Lady of Pennsylvania, on headlining PCCY’s Octoberfest event, a benefit to support our work to make sure all kids in PA have basic health care.

Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

Get your tickets here: