Letter: Where were officials from city schools? – Reading Eagle – October 12, 2015


I saw Public Citizens for Children + Youth’s presentation of “School Play” at the Reading High School (“Issues of funding for schools put on the stage,” Reading Eagle, Oct. 6). It was an inspiring performance that openly and honestly brought to light the problems facing Pennsylvania’s public schools in poor neighborhoods. The script used the actual text from hundreds of interviews across our state.

The first thing that struck me was the size of the crowd. It was a small audience. I was shocked because Reading and the Reading School District are institutions that I think of first concerning suffering from the pitfalls of inequality based on a system in which funding levels are dependent on the value of property in a community.
Along with the size of the crowd was the fact that no one from the school board or the administration was in attendance. The play was held at Reading High School. Have these leaders come to the conclusion that inequity in school funding does not impact the city schools?
Why the lack of curiosity on the part of the paper? In my 23 years of residence in Berks County, I have been a subscriber of the Reading Eagle and have wondered why the paper can never ask the tough questions. Why weren’t these leaders present to help to bring attention and advocate for the plight of urban districts in this commonwealth?
Russell Diesinger
Exeter Township

The Reading Eagle – October 12, 2015 – Read letter online